The Bitcoin Calculator

Current Bitcoin Price: $Loading...
The amount of Bitcoin you start with.
The expected annual inflation rate.
The expected annual growth rate of Bitcoin's price.
The rate at which the CAGR decreases annually.
The amount of money invested in Bitcoin each month.
The number of years you will invest in Bitcoin.
The number of years before you start withdrawing from your investment.
The amount of money withdrawn each month in today's dollars.
Year Begin Year Balance in Today's Dollars Invest in Today's Dollars (last day of year) Effect of Inflation on Annual Investment Increase by CAGR Inflation Adjusted Withdrawal End Year Balance End Bitcoin Balance Yearly W/D in Bitcoin Price of Bitcoin Assuming CAGR

Run Out of Bitcoin Year


Remaining Bitcoin in 2140


Draw in First Year of Withdrawal (Future $)


Total Investment


Total Withdrawals


Final Balance in Future Dollars
